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Category: kicad

Kicad tutorial

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How To Use KiCAD’s Footprint Assignment Tool

How To Use KiCAD’s Footprint Assignment Tool

In the last aritcle, we discussed various factors on how to select the right footprint for your components. Now, we’ll discuss how we can assign the footprint to the components using the KiCad’s footprint assignment tool. Footprint Assignment Tool Here ...

How To Select The Best Footprint?

How To Select The Best Footprint?

In the previous article we completed the schematic with ERC and prepared it for PCB development. But each symbol in the schematic is just a representation of the component and it does not contain the information about the physical properties ...

How To Perform ERC & Verify Circuit In KiCAD

How To Perform ERC & Verify Circuit In KiCAD

We have finally completed making a circuit using the schematic editor! We are very close to making our own printed circuit board. All we have to do is some Electrical Rule Check (ERC) and footprint assignments to start with the ...

What is PCB Stackup & How to Setup in KiCad

What is PCB Stackup & How to Setup in KiCad

We finally finished assigning the components in the previous article. In this article, we’ll discuss a little about the PCB layers and how to co-relate the physical PCB to the PCB layout editor. PCB STACKUP Printed circuit boards are made ...

How To Prettify Your Schematic with Kicad 7.0

How To Prettify Your Schematic with Kicad 7.0

In the previous article, we made an average looking circuit using the schematic editor by using the bare minimum tools that KiCAD has to offer. In this article, we’ll discuss more interesting tools and make the same schematic more presentable. ...

How To Design a Circuit in KiCAD’s Schematic Editor

How To Design a Circuit in KiCAD’s Schematic Editor

KiCAD is such an incredible software which is completely free! But those who are just getting started might get overwhelmed by the amount of options and settings it has to offer. So learning each tool without real world examples would ...

How To Use New Kicad User Interface

How To Use New Kicad User Interface

In the previous article we talk about what is KiCad and some of the tools it has to offer. In this article, we’ll try to explore more about KiCad, specially how to navigate around KiCad and how some of its tools ...

Introduction On How To Use Latest KiCad

Introduction On How To Use Latest KiCad

It has just been a year since KiCad version 6.0 was launched and KiCad has already launched their version 7.0.0. on February, 2023. KiCad 7.0 comes with great new upgrades like orthogonal dragging, drag and drop, command line interface, text ...