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LinkMicro LM246MS Microscope For Soldering And Easy Repair

LinkMicro LM246MS Microscope For Soldering And Easy Repair

As an electronic enthusiast, hobbyist or a professional you understand the importance of magnification needed while assembling or examining electronics, especially working with SMD components. Therefore, a good magnifying device or an electronic microscope is needed.  There are many microscopes ...

MITAYI: A Raspberry Pi Pico Clone Made In India

MITAYI: A Raspberry Pi Pico Clone Made In India

Raspberry Pi is the name of a series of single-board computers made by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK charity that aims to educate people in computing and create easier access to computing education. Since 2012 the name Raspberry Pi stuck ...

Arduino: ‘Limited Edition’ is now Unlimited

Arduino: ‘Limited Edition’ is now Unlimited

What do we do when there is a limited edition of a product? We’ll have the fear of missing out, Crave to have it before anyone. Even worse if you are an electronics enthusiast and limited edition product was Arduino ...