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MITAYI: A Raspberry Pi Pico Clone Made In India

MITAYI: A Raspberry Pi Pico Clone Made In India

Raspberry Pi is the name of a series of single-board computers made by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK charity that aims to educate people in computing and create easier access to computing education. Since 2012 the name Raspberry Pi stuck ...

Open Smart Watch – because Privacy Matters

Open Smart Watch – because Privacy Matters

We have come a long way in terms of watches from 16th century portable spring-driven clocks to 21st century smart watches. Within a few years our debates have shifted from Analog versus Digital watches to what brand and specifications smart ...

BioAmp EXG Pill: Biosensing On One Tiny Board

BioAmp EXG Pill: Biosensing On One Tiny Board

Biopotentials are generated by physiological signals of our body. These signals are generated due to electrochemical activities of certain types of cells present in our nervous, muscular and glandular body parts. They can be classified as ECG, EEG, EOG, etc. ...