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PCB CUPID Latest Articles

JLCPCB: Selling PCB At Bargain, Starting from $2

JLCPCB: Selling PCB At Bargain, Starting from $2

With the rising demand of PCBs in electronic devices and advanced technology there is a rise in PCB manufacturers all over the world. Today one such PCB manufacturer with world over presence will be unwrapped and analysed in detail is ...

LinkMicro LM246MS Microscope For Soldering And Easy Repair

LinkMicro LM246MS Microscope For Soldering And Easy Repair

As an electronic enthusiast, hobbyist or a professional you understand the importance of magnification needed while assembling or examining electronics, especially working with SMD components. Therefore, a good magnifying device or an electronic microscope is needed.  There are many microscopes ...

DIGI-KEY : Electronic Supplier That You Should Know

DIGI-KEY : Electronic Supplier That You Should Know

With the increasing need of readily available electronic components there are many suppliers who have risen to the occasion. However, there are few who have been doing what we consider to be new since the previous century. One such supplier ...

Need of Hour: Sustainable Electronics

Need of Hour: Sustainable Electronics

The Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing Report “Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing 2023-2033”, IDTechEx has released a report titled, which explores the key opportunities for sustainable innovation, along with suggesting the most promising new manufacturing approaches within the electronics industry.  Rising Toxins Toxic chemicals, ...

India Found Lithium- The New Oil? 

<strong>India Found Lithium- The New Oil? </strong>

Lithium is a driving force for sparking renewable energy in the world today. This is because of Lithium’s inherent nature of being ideal to be used in battery powering electronic and electrical devices.  Big News For India India’s Mines Ministry ...

Single or Multi-Layer PCB: How to Choose?

Single or Multi-Layer PCB: How to Choose?

Printed Circuit Boards made the break-through because of their miniature size and compact design platforming all the required electronic components.  However, depending on the applicability the PCB can be made into multi-layered stacked one on top of another. This makes ...

Types Of PCB Surface Finish That Are Important With Pros/Cons

Types Of PCB Surface Finish That Are Important With Pros/Cons

Making PCBs more reliable and durable is done through selection of substrate, laminate and board type. Further, surface finishing is done by coating certain material on the board. A PCB surface finish is an intermetallic joint between the bare copper ...

Vishal International : 40 Year Of PCB Fabrication in India

Vishal International : 40 Year Of PCB Fabrication in India

There are many competent players in the Indian market who are skilled and are delivering quality products through online platforms and instant quote facilities, attracting many beginners to engage. One such manufacturer is Vishal International about whom we will be discussing ...

IPC – PCB Standard that you should know

IPC – PCB Standard that you should know

In school we had studied S.I. unit system for physical quantity, IUPAC standards for chemical formula. When we buy any consumer product we look for the BIS mark or when choosing a manufacturer when looking for ISO standards. Similarly, as ...